Cocktail (Whisky)
Sidecar, with spiced cranberries
Traditional Sidecar
uses brandy or cognac, with equal portions triple sec and fresh-squeezed lemon
juice. I am adding the homemade candied cranberries in the flute glass to “fill”
the spirit. Whisky (Scottish): Royal
Salute, 21 years; Triple Sec
(Orange): Italian Luxardo.
Appetizer Smoked
tuna canapé
The layers are the
following: fig crackers, the tuna (from Nordic Preserves at Essex Market), and crème fraîche
on top, seeded with pomegranate and chives.
beans, cranberry beans and tarragon “English” salad
“English” denotes
rawness and simplicity – meaning: “undressed”; no vinaigrette necessary. Simply
cook the legumes and serve room temperature with tarragon leaves, shallots,
salt and pepper, squeezing over some lemon juice, a little oil – and grating in
the mix the best mild, semi-hard farm cheese you can find. I’m using Zamorano, a Spanish sheep’s milk cheese
from Castilla-Leon.
butternut squash, red onions and chestnuts salad
going traditional, and this is served warm. The squash and onions are grilled
separately, and before serving, I will be chopping chestnuts and sage leaves together
– then mixing them in sweet wine vinaigrette to dress over the salad.
sprouts and dried porcini risotto
This is a vegan dish.
All the reserved liquid from the legumes will be used to cook the rice, plus
water and olive oil only. I will garnish the dish with fresh thyme.
Whole leg
of lamb tagine
Tagine is a Moroccan-style
of braising using dried fruits and whole spices, traditionally in a clay pot. My
version will be cooked in a Dutch oven, and inescapable with the slow cooking
of the lamb are the fruits of the following trees: pear, apple, kumquat; roots
from parsnip and carrot; dried apricot and dried pitted prunes; raw cashew
nuts; and a herbarium of whole spices! I’m not cooking “the bird” this season
because I want my dish to dance, to be sexy – and why I’m going for the “belly”
(lamb). Meat source: Dellapietra’s in Brooklyn Heights.
Soaked walnut
cookie pumpkin tiramisu
I am purchasing the cookies
from Veniero’s Pasticceria in the E. Village (and soaking them in almond milk),
yet I’m making the pumpkin cream from scratch. It is Thanksgiving,
after all.
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