First, about this selfie. Well, it's a brand new app called Frontback, and the idea is, from the viewfinder perspective of your mobile camera, a two-sided shot is made - one the object you are taking, and the other who's taking it. In blogging this recipe, my intention was "twofold": to show you my version of the canelones de ricota y verdura you'd taught me while I was in Argentina, and also show you the exact moment when I had finished cooking the dish and had put it on my table here in New York - the prize of my learning from you.
For the filling, chef, I incorporated three vegetables (shredded Idaho potatoes, shredded Napa cabbage and "professionally" julienned cored tomatoes) to a process of sweating out their juices on a hot pan with oil and butter and salt, plus a couple of skin-on crushed garlic cloves. Following your recipe, after the filling was fully wilted and cooked (in fact the potatoes achieved crispiness on the sides) I transferred it in a bowl and added the cheese. (I used a mild-aged edam, which was in my fridge when I got home, as well as the leftover though fresh-looking produce waiting there like ice cream begging to be eaten; no waste.)
The crepe was to the tea of your technique, chef, without browning its skin; ditto the bechamel sauce. The only thing different I did was to cook the white sauce (no red sauce, chef; no mas los tomates) right after the filling, essentially de-glazing the bottom of the pan, rich with flavor from the oozing veggies and garlic. What do you think about it, Chef Manuel?
Ed is on-call at the hospital this weekend and I am about to finish up this letter (it's around 630pm, Friday), and head out over to him so we can have dinner together. But first, I have to roll up the canelones and heat them up in the oven for about 10 minutes to melt the sauce, just like you did back there. My mouth is already watering, chef, as it did when I couldn't wait tasting your perfect version of the dish! I'm pretty sure Ed would like it too.
Asta luego, chef!
Your happy student,

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