This is an accidental cheese. I didn't want to waste the hot chai tea that curdled after pouring the milk - I forgot about the grapefruit zest in it - and so remembering a Rachel Khoo episode, yes! I can separate the solids through a fine mesh cloth. And that's what I did. The resulting cheese (after drying them on the windowsill for a few hours) was quite artisanal, without trendiness and overration. To my biggest surprise my chez cheese tasted awesome and nuanced - a chai caramelization detected with a (lemon cream) twist; no pun intended! It worked delicious and luscious on my warm bread, and was perfect with my pasta (roasted onion petals Austrian dumpling), again, another Rachel recipe!
CS Lewis said that thinking about someone through a creative process (as inspired) was meeting that person face to face - but the "best kind." Let me get my camera ...
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