Granola-Yogurt-a Shot of Expresso Scone : I have whole milk yogurt but not heavy cream. Not enough sugar but enough granola cereal (sweet and tart with the berries). I always have butter and flour and baking powder and raw honey and whole nutmegs and Meyer lemons. Let's do it. Let's put breakfast-on-the-go in the scone.
What else do I have in the fridge? Soppressata-Roasted Onion "Paella" Naan Burrito - with lots of basil. Naming my a-day-old leftovers (sushi rice, herbs, chopped onions, cured meat) to "evolve" again is one of my favorite things to do as a home cook: because I'm conscientious of not wasting to throw any of them. I get hungry again for new food.
Grapefruits are a mainstay at home. It's like I've been eating them since I was born. When I toast the naan bread with butter all over its face, then slap a ladle of paella on top and shave some asiago, and roll the burrito and then a big bite - the richness of my breakfast is cut by the fresh-squeezed grapefruit juice power, and always makes me happy.
A couple of days ago was 60 degrees. Now this. Glad I'm home.
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