(Photo: A spider's web. At Bai Yen Rainforest, Oct. 2016, 3 hrs by bus N. of Taipei through Jin Shan Mt.; then another hour hike to the secret oasis beyond.)
"Nevertheless, those preexisting structures must at some moment have been created, and this can only been effected by active, expressive speech. Indeed, all truly meaningful speech is inherently creative, using established words in ways they have never quite been used before, and thus altering, ever so slightly, the whole webwork of the language. Wild, living speech takes up, from within, the interconnected matrix of the language and gestures with it, subjecting the whole structure to a 'coherent deformation.'
"At the heart of any language, then, is the poetic productivity of expressive speech. A living language is continually being made and remade, woven out of the silence by those who speak... And this silence is that of our wordless participations, of our perceptual immersion in the depths of an animate, expressive world."
~ David Abram, The Spell of the Sensuous
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