For someone like me
The simple things
Like having toast or
Going to church are
Kept in one place.
- John Ashbery

This is a virgin Sunday brunch cocktail. However, the fresh-squeezed lime juice is sharp enough to give the drink the tannin astringency mixed with plain sparkling water as if it were a champagne. The "cherry on top" was diluted to the juice to lend itself a sweetness aftertaste - all fresh-squeezed local fruits from Maui nui: guava, star fruit and tangerines, sifted through. For the main dish: braised carrots and cherry tomatoes with ravioli. In the poem Mr. Ashbery brings it home by saying the substance of this food combined is like wine and cheese. Not in the picture is a simple salad plate of sliced plum tomatoes and parsley - because, alas, the bread is already dripping with butter. I love the Moroccan tagine quality of the carrot-pasta braise chased with the refreshing-cleansing function of the bellini. (Foodnote: If you happen to be in New York City at some point for travel/business, you should check out Cafe Mogador in the E. Village. The restaurant is hip and the N. African/Mediterranean fare is heaven. I always get the fried okra and shallots tagine in dates, olives and chiles sauce. And the hummus-baba ganoush plate is divine and the warm pita is manna. An Oregon pinot noir is essential; ask your lovely server for a rec. The Morocs invented the tagine technique of cooking dried fruits and meat in a claypot over wood fire until all are braised tender and incorporated to the sublimity of the ingredients and spices, for a minimum three hours depending on the meat.) My rav is an homage to Mogador, my favorite restaurant, I have missed so much - and to the city itself, where I left my heart.
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