This refreshing summer salad entrĂ©e calls for mountain apples— a variety local to Maui, Hawaii where I live, and most likely in other tropical countries with different names (in the Philippines, for example, it’s called macopa). The short-list of ingredients in this recipe is chilled in the fridge prior to making, and everything cut up uniform and tossed in the bowl is raw, which calls for easy prep when you want it. You can use regular apples available in your region, but you may want to choose the sweeter, softer and pleasanter kind to contrast or temper the white onion intensity in the mix. This is an extraordinarily simple vegan main course whipped in under ten minutes at home (including plating) and very satisfying on a warm, balmy night. Serve plenty if this is your only meal, like I did; and it will make you happy.
Here’s how:
- slice, skin off, mountain apples, cucumbers (also seeded), carrots (the orange color kind) and white onions sizing up their shapes to fork-easy and make approachable to the mouth evenly;
- and in a large bowl toss well and incorporate all ingredients with balsamic vinegar and salt & pepper— then add cashew nuts (dry roasted and unsalted); other preferred/available nuts will do, your choice; I intended cashews for their creamier texture which enhances the vinaigrette on the chew;
- you don’t have to transfer the salad to a white bistro plate (well, it depends who’s coming to dinner); I’m otherwise solo so I left my salad in its mixing bowl and took my seat.
Eating is a pleasure for the hungry soul. Eating for temperature mitigation is even better because relief on a hot day is internal. Fruits and vegetables, twin foods in this salad, render themselves for your comfort and quench. Blackbirds on vinyl, funk jazz playing now, and the mood of my evening is final. Alone, at last, for the long weekend.
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