"COOK-i.e." (pronounced cook-I. E., saying the letters) is a term I coined (hopefully it's original; I didn't check a list of blog site names related to the "foodie" culture) so, referentially: I'm a home cook-foodie entwined - a foodie who can cook - thus the onomatopoeic name of my blog, writing from Bushwick, Brooklyn, NY. (I'm originally from Portland, Oregon!)
I'm developing-designing-archiving my current and past home recipes and food-making processes to "cultivate" my food-writing skills, as this field is new to me, albeit I have a background in teaching creative writing and poetry. More important: I'm eyeing on my future return to home Oregon and opening a restaurant on my (and my partner's) small, fallowing land-farm in the wine country surrounded by cherry, pear and almond trees, and next door to a bio-dynamic viticulturist winemaker neighbors, their namesake winery, Carlo and Julian. (Behind our farm is their pinot noir grape sprawling vineyard.)
Here in New York is where I'm getting my "ingredients" to this future life, where one day I will grow and raise my own food, where interdependently would I be living with my land and animals, and writing.

In the mean time, New York is the perfect place to dream about my terrestrial life kitchen. I can't reach it without New York in my basket.
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