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Whole Wheat Berries, Brown Rice, Salted Herring, Pickled Turnip Mustard Cheese, Chives Omelet Bowl

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Cook grains together, when cooked set aside, keep warm. In a small bowl, pour *homemade vinegar and add strips of the fish (buy herring from a specialty food store, like Sahadi's in Brooklyn) and stir in a teaspoon of good wine mustard; set aside in fridge. Now cook the eggs - butter/olive oil pan, lowest heat, add chives and Herb de Provence, a dash of brown sugar; then fold in salted, peppered (black and chili) beaten eggs, and stir gently to spread, wait to puff, lift and pancake the other side, less than five mintues total cooking time. To assemble the dish: In a Japanese earthenware bowl, spoon berries-rice, then the crumbles of **turnip cheese, the herring, hot chili oil (icing the fish), the vinegar-mustard marinade juice, and finally the omelet. Stick a big, long spoon.

In a medium sauce pan, boil in plain water for about 10 minutes 3 dried preserved lemons (deeply score skin so when cooking bleeds) and 6 fresh green sour plums. Set aside to cool on the counter; then transfer to a large mason jar (the whole thing), and add a few sprigs of Italian parsley, cover tight. Keep in fridge. When using, strain through a sieve. Adjust to taste.

Dice up pickled red turnips and green pitted Sicilian olives like a bunch of herbs. Butter and oil small sauce pan, lowest heat, add "herbs," then 3 different kinds of cheese (anything you want available in your fridge; in my case I used Fenugreek Gouda, Paillot de Chevre and Gorgonzola), salt and pepper a little, stirring constantly, until fondued. Set aside to cool, and refrigerate to form.      
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